Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dear first blog...

 I have decided to give take on a new hobby this year. I am going to write to you dear blog.... I don't know what exactly I will be blogging about but I do know that writing is the best way to get your thoughts together, vent, release emotions and share your thoughts with others. I will be sharing ideas, sharing experiences, thoughts etc... so here we go!

Here is a little bit about me. I am 30 years old, have a 5 year old son and also have a baby on the way (21 weeks). I am a single mother with lots on my mind- my relationship w/ God, making time for my relationships (God, son, friends, family) my son, his education, his well being, my job, my career, my gifts, self improvement, church, kids at church, educating myself, goals, fitness, creating a family, hobbies, etc... Although I may seem quiet and quite simple at a glance, I am a quite complex individual. I like to express what I think and do not like to hold back when I don't have to. I like to read, educate myself, and listen to others, Im like a sponge. This year I am hoping to accomplish new goals which include, getting back in school, obtaining a new position at work and settling in a home with my family.   These are just some of my goals, Im sure I will add onto this as the months come.

I am hoping that through this blog I can also develop new friendships and hopefully be of good influence to those who visit.

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